Vegan Wine

Guides>Wine 101 Guides>Clean and Green>Vegan Wine
Vegan Wine
Did you know that a lot of wine isn't vegan?
Hard to imagine I know, but there are actually animal byproducts used by plenty of producers in the winemaking process.
These additions are all used to improve the look of the wine - they are used as fining agents to make the wines brighter and clearer.
In recent times, with the rise in popularity of veganism, some wineries now label their wines as vegan-friendly (check out our vegan wines here), which is helpful, but there's plenty of wine that isn't labelled, so it's harder to tell.
Here's some things to look out for that are used in winemaking that might make the wine NOT vegan.
Egg whites
Egg Whites have been used for years in restaurants kitchens around the world to clarify stocks and soups.Essentially the protein in a liquid will be attracted to the egg white, so when you scoop the whites out, the liquid will be clearer and brighter. It's the same in wine, and egg whites are a traditional fining agent for making wines look less hazy.


The protein here does the same job as the egg whites, attracting other molecules of protein to it and then pulling it all out of the wine.
Isinglass is an extract from the bladder of some fish, mostly sturgeon. It's essentially a form of collagen, and is used for fining in both winemaking and also artisanal beer production.

What is vegan wine?
Vegan wine has no animal products added to it! Some of the animal products used in wine include eggs and a protein called casein, which is derived from milk. These are both used in a process called fining, which removes particulates from wine before it is bottled.
How do I know if a wine is vegan?
This can be tricky! Often a winery will label their wine as such, but it's been a slow-moving process. There are still plenty of wines that don't specifically say 'vegan' on the label, that are in fact vegan. Look our for the word 'unfined' as a good indicator as well.
What is vegan wine made of?
Grapes, just like all the other wines! The only difference is that it won't have been handled using any animal products.
Does vegan wine last as long as non-vegan wine?
Yes! The animal products aren't used as preservatives, so vegan wine is equally as stable and long-lasting.
About the Author
Banjo Harris Plane is the three-time winner Sommelier of the Year Australia and a certified advanced Sommelier through the Court of Master Sommeliers. He first cut his teeth in the wine industry working as a sommelier in Australia's best restaurants, before starting multiple businesses in the space of a few years... these included two restaurants, a wine import business and co-founding Good Pair Days!