Good Pair Days
Wines & More
Inner Beauty Bottles – Damaged Label Wines - White
note: Stock added when available, timing not predictable

Sometimes bottles arrive with a little extra “character.” Whether it’s a scratched label, a spill from a neighbouring bottle, or a scuff from transport, these bottles aren’t quite up to scratch for our members’ usual deliveries. But here’s the important part: they’re still absolutely perfect on the inside. So, we’ve created a new way for you to enjoy these wines—using your points to redeem them as part of our Inner Beauty Bottles reward!

Here’s how it works:

  • It’s a lucky dip. These bottles come from across our range, meaning you could land a crowd-pleaser or a premium pick—it’s all part of the fun! But this one will be white.
  • Same great quality. Every bottle is one we’ve handpicked for our members, so you know it’s a wine worth drinking.
  • No customisation. These bottles won’t be matched to your taste profile, won’t come with tasting notes, and won’t appear in your cellar for ratings.
  • No refunds or exchanges. Because it’s a lucky dip, all redemptions are final, but they’re priced at the lower end of the points scale to reflect this limitation.

So why not give one a try? It’s the perfect way to score great wine at a bargain while celebrating a little “inner beauty.”